Tuesday, 30 September 2014


The main intention for now is to write a full script for my short film, however the film has to be five minutes long. Therefore, once the script is complete i'll need to shorten down the script to fit with the duration of the film. What will mainly be shorten down will be cutting out scenes or shortening the scenes I know will definitely go in the short film. The scenes im currently writing are ideas I thought of or inspired by films I've watched. The latest scene is inspired by the film "The Truman Show" as I may, if so possible, do a similar kind of short plot for this scene. I'll post this scene to show how I will tackle this.

Ancillary Task so far...

One Scene To Another

Scene 1 - Sitting Room

*Title: Reality Show appears on the screen.

TV channel switch effect

Joe looks bored, sick of the lack of entertainment on TV.
Flicking through channel by channel, seeking for something to watch to pass the time.
He leaves their seat and goes into the kitchen.

Non diegetic sound leading into the next scene, microwave sound.

Scene 2 - Kitchen

Watching the popcorn spin and pop in the microwave,
The facial expression hasn't changed; looking dull and bored.

Scene 3 - Sitting Room

He sighs at nothing else to do, he continues flicking through channels. A night time scene is shown on the screen then suddenly he looks shocked that day time went to night time. He rushes to the window looking at the sky knowing time changed incredibly fast.
Watcher: What the hell?!
He looks at the TV confused at what he is witnessing.
He returns to his seat and looks at the remote; he points it at the screen and changes the channel.
Scene 4 - Forest

From the click of the remote, the watcher appears to be in a forest. He looks around, shocked into what happened. As he looks around, wondering where exactly he is. He sees a zoologist.
Zoologist: Now if you look closely, you can see our next animal on our ‘to view’ list. A wield Crocodile.
*One of the TV crew throws a toy over on the grass, attempting to make it unnoticeable.*
Joe: Err…Excuse me, where am I-
Zoologist: Oh my god, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve found a person living in this forest!
Joe: Excuse me? I don’t live here I just pop-
Zoologist: An amazing discovery, ‘Hello! Do you understand English?
Joe looks at the failure of the show he is witnessing in front of him; he looks back on the remote and presses the Back button.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Checklist For My Short Film


Scenes and Locations:

Sitting Room – Home

Big Brother Mock Up – Home

Set in a Set – Home

Forest – Wardley

Chase Scene – Wardley/Forest

Jeremy Kyle Mock Up

Dark Room – Theatre

Showcase – Theatre/Dance Studio

Waterloo Road Mock Up - School

EastEnders – School/Home

News Room – Classroom

Cooking Show – Cookery Classroom

Crime (Monologue) – Town?

Horror – Blaydon, street



Joe: Plain t-shirt, jeans, trainers

Big Brother: Joe’s costume

Set in a Set: Casual clothing

Zoologist: Smart outdoor clothing and sun glasses

Chase: Torn up clothing

Jeremy Kyle: Suit, no tie

Darth Vader mask, lightsaber

EastEnders: Casual clothing, mother: smart?

News room: Shirt and tie

Waterloo Road: School uniform

Cooking Show: Shirt and apron

Horror: Black hoodie, white plain mask



TV Remote – Joe

Headset, Camera + Script – Set in a Set

Jeremy Kyle Mock Result Card

Lightsaber + Darth Vader mask

Paper + Glasses

Cooking Equipment – Cooking Show

White Plain Mask - Horror


Thursday, 11 September 2014

Estimating The Duration

Next thing I have to do is complete the short film idea and complete the ideas and have an idea of how long it will be.

Update - Short Film

Today I've listed down every scene so far and where they will be filmed. After sorting out what ideas I have so far, I've noted down what kind of costumes that will be in need along with props.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Update of The Short Film

Today I'm working on the story board for my short film. After this I will plan out the locations for each scene. I will go to each location to take picture and plan out how the filming will be directed.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Short Film Scene

Scene 1 - Sitting Room

*Title: Reality Show, appears on the screen. Cross Fade. The camera zooms out showing a TV screen and eventually a sitting room with a person watching the screen.*

The watcher, looks bored, sick of the lack of entertainment on TV. Flicking through channel by channel, seeking for something to watch to pass the time. He/She leaves their seat and goes into the kitchen. 

Media A2 Project Introduction.