Thursday, 24 October 2013

Open Questionnaire

This is my open questionnaire questions. Feedback will be posted in charts or graphs. Closed quesionnaire feedback will be posted the same aswell.



·         Male    

·         Female  

·         Other


·         15 – 17

·         18 – 20

·         21 – 23

·         24 – 25

Do you purchase music magazine?



If answered yes, answer the next question: What genre(s) of magazine do you buy?


What would make you want to buy a music magazine? What would you want it to include?


What do you think is the most important part of a music magazine?


How interactive should a music magazine be? Should social network feedback be involved?


 What makes you want to buy a music magazine? What features does it include to stand out?


Closed Questionnaire

This is the questions on my closed questionnaire, I've handed these questionnaires out and waiting for feedback. I'll upload the Open Questionnaire questions and the feedback off that one.

Closed Questionnaire

Gender:    Male    Female    Other

·         Male    

·         Female


·         15 – 17

·         18 – 20

·         21 – 23

·         24 – 25

What is your favourite genre?

·         Pop

·         Classical

·         Blues

·         Electronic

·         Metal

·         Hip Hop

·         Jazz

·         Reggae

·         Indie

·         Other: _______________

How much do you spend on music monthly?

·         Less than £1

·         £2 - £5

·         £6 -£10

·         £11 - £20

·         £21 - £35

·         £36 - £50

·         £51 - £100

·         £100+

Have you ever downloaded music illegally online?

·         Yes

·         No

·         Rarely

·         Never



How do you listen to music?

·         TV

·         Radio

·         Internet

·         CD

·         Downloaded on an online music store

How often do you buy music magazines?

·         Every issue

·         Often

·         Once in a while

·         Never

(If answered “Never” skip this question.)

How much do you pay for a music magazine?

·         Less than £1

·         £1 - £2.50

·         £3 - £5

·         £5+

How would you prefer the issue release of your favourite music magazine?

·         Weekly

·         Fortnightly

·         Monthly



Double Paged Article Analysis

Music Magazine Content Page Analysis

This is my analysis on Content Pages.

Monday, 14 October 2013

My Idea

I've decided to create a Classic Rock magazine towards target audience both genders and the ages between 15 to 25, so to make this I need to analyse other Classic Rock magazine covers, content pages and also articles to make mine realistic as possible. I'll also be making questionnaires/surveys for the target audience to see what their opinions are about Classic Rock and I'll be posting their results on here too.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The assignment for the course is to make a music magazine front cover, content page and a few pages including articles. What i need to do is investigate what i need to inlcude in my magazine and the type of genre i'm going to chose. I will be blogging my investigation and also my magazine cover, content page and other pages plus the step by step process towards the final piece.